Retaining wall work along Nippersink Blvd. continues

The contractors completed the sidewalk removal at the northwest and northeast corners of Nippersink Boulevard and Grand Avenue. They also continued excavation work and installing the timber lagging for the new retaining wall on the east side of Nippersink Boulevard.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractor plans to pour additional gapped sidewalk sections along the east side of Nippersink Boulevard between Grand Avenue and Rolland Place. They also plan to continue work on the new retaining wall on the east side of Nippersink Boulevard.

Motorists should expect minor delays as the roadway work progresses along Nippersink Boulevard.  Please be aware of construction workers and equipment when traveling through the work zone.

The piling work for the new retaining wall along Nippersink Blvd. is complete

The contractors poured the additional sections of the proposed sidewalk along the east side of Nippersink Boulevard from Oak Street to 37 Nippersink Boulevard, portions of the sidewalk from Grand Avenue to Rolland Place, and they completed the new curb & gutter at the southeast corner of Nippersink Boulevard and Rolland Place. They also completed the piling work for the new retaining wall, and they continued work on the proposed street lighting.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractor plans to pour additional sidewalk sections gapped along the east side of Nippersink Boulevard between Grand Avenue and Rolland Place. They also plan to continue work on the new retaining wall on the east side of Nippersink Boulevard.

Motorists should expect minor delays as the roadway work progresses along Nippersink Boulevard.  Please refrain from cell phone use and be alert when traveling through the work zones.

Work is progressing on the east side of Nippersink Blvd.

The contractors poured the additional sections of the proposed curb & gutter along a portion of the east side of Nippersink Boulevard between Grand Avenue and Ernest Avenue, and they excavated, installed aggregate base, and poured section of the proposed sidewalk along the east side of Nippersink Boulevard. They also continued work on the retaining wall piling and the proposed street lighting.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractor plans to pour additional sections of the proposed sidewalk along a portion of the east side of Nippersink Boulevard between Grand Avenue and Ernest Avenue. They also plan to complete work on the retaining wall piling and continue work on the proposed street lighting.

Motorists should expect minor delays as the roadway work progresses along Nippersink Boulevard.  Please refrain from cell phone use and be alert when traveling through the work zones.

Contractors pour new curb & gutter on the east side of Nippersink Blvd.

The contractors poured the majority of the proposed curb & gutter along a portion of the east side of Nippersink Boulevard between Grand Avenue and Ernest Avenue. They also began work on the piling for the new retaining wall and poured foundations for the proposed street lighting.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractor plans to pour additional sections of the proposed curb & gutter along the east side of Nippersink Boulevard between Grand Avenue and Ernest Avenue. They also plan to continue work on the retaining wall piling and work on the proposed street lighting.

Motorists should expect minor delays as the roadway work progresses along Nippersink Boulevard.  Please refrain from cell phone use and be alert when traveling through the work zones.

Retaining wall work begins today

The contractors will begin work on the new retaining wall on the east side of Nippersink Boulevard this week. This work will require the use of some specialized equipment and as a result the contractor will need to close some of the Metra parking stalls both north of the Metra train station on the west side of Nippersink Boulevard and in the commuter lot on the east side of Nippersink Boulevard as shown in the above image. This work is anticipated to take approximately four to six weeks to complete.